Monday, November 08, 2004

It's over

Well, after more than forty hours of gameplay, we have finally finished Final Fantasy X. I can say that it was, without a doubt, the best gaming experience of my life, and I never even picked up the controller. Watching Luis play was like sitting down for a fantastic movie I had never seen before, only the movie lasted over three weeks. My only complaint: by the time we got to the end, our party was so badass that the final bosses were a complete joke. It seemed a shame to put all that time in only to face a couple of pussies at the very end of it all.

This experience stands in stark contrast to another of my favorite games, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, otherwise known as Zelda64 for the N64. Much to my chagrin, I have never beaten this game, though I have come woefully, pitifully, tragically close to doing so. As with most games, the final boss goes through a few permutations before dying completely. His first form is the most annoying, as you have to volley a light ball with him until one or the other of you gets tired and consequently zapped. Once you beat him down, he makes the castle collapse, and you only have a few minutes to make a mad dash out of there alive with Princess Zelda. Then, on the ruins of the castle, he turns into this big, black dragon devil thingy that is an ungodly pain in the ass. Clearly, the big, black dragon devil thingy is his final form. (Duh, Mommy. [More on this another time]) I was hacking and slashing away at him when he collapsed in a smoldering heap and Zelda screamed, "Deliver the final blow!"


What does "Deliver the final blow!" mean to you? Well, to me it goddamn well means that the next time I hit him, that motherfucker's going down. I suppose you don't need me to tell you that I was wrong.

I ran up to him, clobbered him good right in the kisser, and he mauled me to death. I hadn't bothered to heal because this was supposed to be the final blow, remember? Well, so much for that. My little guy kicked the bucket, and I've never been able to get back to that part again. I guess I just don't have it in me.


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