Thursday, September 29, 2005


Luis and I were just thinking, and neither of us could come up with a single movie trailer that uses a female voice-over. In a world where we listen to the same "IN A WORLD..." guy over and over, why isn't there room for a woman to strut her stuff in the movie trailer genre? I understand why action movies might want to align themselves with their core demographic by using a husky male voice, but why does a similar voice try to sell us saccharine romantic comedies?

I can't remember which movie theatre chain does this (perhaps Clearview?), but one of them shows a reel all in sillouette that illustrates the evils of leaving your trash, talking during the movie, etc. In each instance of wrongdoing, it is the woman who screws up, talking during the movie or not taking her trash with her, while the male sillouette lectures her. WTF!

I would love to be proven wrong here. Can someone come up with a trailer that has a female voice-over?


Blogger Luis said...

Roman suggested that Fried Green Tomatoes might have a female voice-over. I don't remember seeing the trailer, though... I managed to find a trailer of the video release of the film, and it was a guy. No luck finding the theatrical release trailer, though. The mystery, alas, remains unsolved.

1:25 PM  

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