Thursday, November 11, 2004


- "What happened to your [chin]? Somebody slammed a bedroom window on it?"
-- "Nope. Your wife got excited. She crossed her legs a little too quick. You understand what I mean, pal?"
That was ridiculously dorky. I hope somebody, somewhere, got it.

So, the chin drama continues. I bought the aforementioned benzoil peroxide and have been applying it with great fervor. It seemed to be working quite well until yesterday, when I got a bit overzealous and slightly burned my skin. It doesn't sting or hurt, but it is reddish and very dry. When I smile, my chin feels tight.

Ye gods! When will my suffering end? To date, I have tried the following on the chin zit (which is really now much more of a red chin dot/scar than a proper zit, but no matter):
1) Mario Badescu drying lotion
2) Neosporin
3) Hydrocortizone cream (it went through an itchy, awkward pubescent phase)
4) Neosporin spot treatment, 2% salicylic acid
5) Rite Aid® acne cream, 10% benzoil peroxide

Is this not enough? When will I have burnt off whatever horrible face-karma I'm currently working through? This is because I didn't have pimples as a teenager, isn't it?

:: sigh ::


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