Yes, I know that this term has been done to death in the media of late (sort of like metrosexual, Fab Fiveā¢, and Yeeeeeargh!); however, there is no other term to describe the truly perverse pleasure I take in the discomfort of others.
Sadly, my schadenfreude extends not only to strangers, but also to loved ones - ostensibly people who I should be horrified to see hurt. I remember getting into awful giggle fits when I was a child because my mother had stubbed her toe and was making that untypeable, sucking in "Sssssss" noise. Why is that funny? I can't explain it, but I know that I'm cracking up just sitting here typing it.
When Luis and I first started dating, we were cuddling on his bed one night when he brought his head down really hard against the windowsill. Kersmack! True to form, I started laughing so hard I was crying. I kept trying to hold it in, but I'm sure he could tell because my whole body was shaking with the effort. I apologized and apologized, but I think I really hurt his feelings that night. (Sorry again, honey!)
The most memorable incident I can think of happened when I was a sophomore at Hopkins. Levering Hall held a partially below-grade cafeteria that was only open for breakfast and lunch. Jenny and I (or was I alone? I can't remember now) were approaching the entrance below the Glass Pav, which had about eight brick stairs leading down. It had been pissing rain all day, and I remember seeing this freshman (who had very recognizable magenta hair) coming out of the doors and starting up the stairs. He was carrying a big sandwich on a styrofoam plate with one of those plastic lids that never seems to stay in place, balanced atop a large soda cup. Naturally, the poor kid completely did a face plant on the wet slippery stairs, his sandwich exploding in midair and soda cup executing a fantastic triple flip before hitting the brick below. To this day, I crack up when I think of this incident. It happened so fast too - poor kid. I wonder if he remembers me as some gothy bitch who was laughing at him as he tried to pick up the remains of his lunch and his dignity.
Sadly, my schadenfreude extends not only to strangers, but also to loved ones - ostensibly people who I should be horrified to see hurt. I remember getting into awful giggle fits when I was a child because my mother had stubbed her toe and was making that untypeable, sucking in "Sssssss" noise. Why is that funny? I can't explain it, but I know that I'm cracking up just sitting here typing it.
When Luis and I first started dating, we were cuddling on his bed one night when he brought his head down really hard against the windowsill. Kersmack! True to form, I started laughing so hard I was crying. I kept trying to hold it in, but I'm sure he could tell because my whole body was shaking with the effort. I apologized and apologized, but I think I really hurt his feelings that night. (Sorry again, honey!)
The most memorable incident I can think of happened when I was a sophomore at Hopkins. Levering Hall held a partially below-grade cafeteria that was only open for breakfast and lunch. Jenny and I (or was I alone? I can't remember now) were approaching the entrance below the Glass Pav, which had about eight brick stairs leading down. It had been pissing rain all day, and I remember seeing this freshman (who had very recognizable magenta hair) coming out of the doors and starting up the stairs. He was carrying a big sandwich on a styrofoam plate with one of those plastic lids that never seems to stay in place, balanced atop a large soda cup. Naturally, the poor kid completely did a face plant on the wet slippery stairs, his sandwich exploding in midair and soda cup executing a fantastic triple flip before hitting the brick below. To this day, I crack up when I think of this incident. It happened so fast too - poor kid. I wonder if he remembers me as some gothy bitch who was laughing at him as he tried to pick up the remains of his lunch and his dignity.
Yay, there you are! I was wondering when you'd find us. I didn't want to be all, "Hey (hey), you (you), come look at our blog!" OK, that was a really bad Rolling Stones reference, and I don't even like them! Sheesh.
Well, thanks for coming by! You just made my day. :)
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