Tuesday, February 22, 2005

This is a red-letter post

It is the first time I am posting from my brand spanking new Powerbook. Please direct all abject worship this-a way.

It is the first time I am posting while ganking someone else's wifi. Thanks, whoever you are! You're the best.

It is the first time I am posting from the couch.

It is the first time I am posting from the couch while watching Luis kick ass at Final Fantasy VII.
Cloud so sexy. Sephiroth also so sexy, and so evil. Neither so sexy as Squall, whose game, thank god, we play next. I think it's all about the scar. :: pant pant pant ::

Hey, it is the first I am posting from the couch while watching Luis kick ass at Final Fantasy VII and simultaneously fantasizing about writing some wicked Squall/Cloud slash.

Right. Where was I?

Well, no matter. I am always one of the last people to hop on the gadget bandwagon, so it makes sense that only now would I truly understand the glory that is wifi and the supreme beauty that is the Powerbook. I've always been an Apple girl, but now I'm falling in love all over again.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats on the powerbook. Finally dumped that old school iMac, eh?

1:37 PM  
Blogger Liz said...

If by "dumped," you mean gave it to my parents and pretended I was all benevolent and shit, then yeah. Totally. ;)

10:28 PM  

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