The Road Goes Ever On and On
Last Saturday marked the first real blizzard of this winter, and Luis and I spent it holed up in our apartment with good friends. Did we drink wine and cook a nice, hearty dinner? Did we sit around and talk about work, friends, school, and life? No and no: we spent the entire day watching the extended editions of The Lord of the Rings.
Everyone in attendance had seen the movies before, so we were free to discuss, complain, MST3K, and offer abject worship without worrying about ruining someone's virginal LotR experience. This was truly fortuitous, as some of the night's most memorable moments came from our side conversations and remarks:
About Shadowfax
"Buckbeak, show us the meaning of haste!"
Something is rotten in the state of Mordor:
"Shuffle off this Morgul Vale"
Frodo's neck
Seriously, look at the size of it. He's like a fucking linebacker.
Elrond Hubbard
Theodin's horse totally takes a shit in the water as the party is riding up to the steps of Isengard to speak with Treebeard. Plop, plop, plop!
Mumbles Mortensen
"...and smote his ruin upon the mountainside."
Luis and I cracked everyone up when we said this in perfect unision with Gandalf.
Gimli blowing away the ghostly hands of the dead
Stupid. Just... stupid.
Spotting Peter Jackson
In Fellowship, he's a drunkard in Bree. In Two Towers, he's one of the barbarian horde. In Return of the King, he's the captain of one of the Corsair ships.
All in all, the extended editions are better than the theatrical releases. There are some cringe-worthy moments, like the afore-mentioned Gimli smoke thing, Sauruman's death by impaling, and Eowyn doing her best impression of a cat in heat at Theodrid's funeral. Many awesome additions were made, such as the mouth of Sauron, Aragorn addressing Sauron through the palantir, and the backstory of the Faramir/Boromir/Denethor triangle. All the same, much was still left out, like Denethor actually having the palantir (implied in various scenes, but it might have been nice to see him using it at some point), and some scenes were awkwardly cut or rushed.
Bitching aside, the movies are rad, and it was a wonderful task to sit down and watch them all in one go. Thanks to everyone who came!
Everyone in attendance had seen the movies before, so we were free to discuss, complain, MST3K, and offer abject worship without worrying about ruining someone's virginal LotR experience. This was truly fortuitous, as some of the night's most memorable moments came from our side conversations and remarks:
About Shadowfax
"Buckbeak, show us the meaning of haste!"
Something is rotten in the state of Mordor:
"Shuffle off this Morgul Vale"
Frodo's neck
Seriously, look at the size of it. He's like a fucking linebacker.
Elrond Hubbard
Theodin's horse totally takes a shit in the water as the party is riding up to the steps of Isengard to speak with Treebeard. Plop, plop, plop!
Mumbles Mortensen
"...and smote his ruin upon the mountainside."
Luis and I cracked everyone up when we said this in perfect unision with Gandalf.
Gimli blowing away the ghostly hands of the dead
Stupid. Just... stupid.
Spotting Peter Jackson
In Fellowship, he's a drunkard in Bree. In Two Towers, he's one of the barbarian horde. In Return of the King, he's the captain of one of the Corsair ships.
All in all, the extended editions are better than the theatrical releases. There are some cringe-worthy moments, like the afore-mentioned Gimli smoke thing, Sauruman's death by impaling, and Eowyn doing her best impression of a cat in heat at Theodrid's funeral. Many awesome additions were made, such as the mouth of Sauron, Aragorn addressing Sauron through the palantir, and the backstory of the Faramir/Boromir/Denethor triangle. All the same, much was still left out, like Denethor actually having the palantir (implied in various scenes, but it might have been nice to see him using it at some point), and some scenes were awkwardly cut or rushed.
Bitching aside, the movies are rad, and it was a wonderful task to sit down and watch them all in one go. Thanks to everyone who came!