Monday, March 14, 2005

To Market, To Market

Ever since I read that a developer was going to slap up a new residential high-rise (barf) on Third between 23rd and 24th, I've been bracing for impact. Yes, construction is sure to be awful, and yes, it's bound to be loud and stinky in that bizarre, wet concrete way, but most of all, it means that my beloved Garden of Eden is gone.

It's not even that the Garden was that wonderful - it's that it was close, things were fresh, and it was much, much better than D'Agostino.

Now that the GoE has been gone for a few months, Luis and I have tried a few options. Of course, there is always the D'Ag around the corner for little stuff and non-perishables, but for fresh produce, forget it. Todaro Bros. is up on Second right near the Petco (where the pets go!), and aside from being a bit of a hike with heavy grocery bags, it is a perfectly acceptable alternative to GoE, and with a much better meat selection to boot.

It seemed like we were going to be just fine, Luis and I, with this new arrangement: D'Ag for emergencies, and Todaro for real food. Everything changed this Saturday, for this Saturday, we set foot in the Associated on the corner of Second and 23rd.

Sweet baby Jesus. This is a supermarket the likes of which I haven't seen since I lived in Burbank and shopped at Pavilions with my mother. This market is so large, it has whole areas that you can't even see from the entrance. I went into the baking aisle and nearly burst into tears. There was the unsweetened cocoa I'd been trying in vain to buy all day. It sat there gleaming right before me at three different price points - store-brand for value, Hershey's for name recognition, and something fancy-pants for the aesthetes. Three different price points! Wow.

And. And! Do you know what else? They have an immense beer aisle. I guess you can figure out where I lost Luis. Not only that: they stock Tripel Karmeliet, our favorite beer from our trip to Brussels. See? Here's Luis enjoying a tasty Tripel.

Unbelievable. How pitiful that we've lived in our apartment for nine months now, and it has taken us this long to find this place. I really hope that someone doesn't come along to tell me how Associated is really a horrible chain and that they mutilate baby seals or something, because I am happy as a pig in shit right now.


Blogger Luis said...

Love the final simile, hehe!

1:26 PM  

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