Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Big bummer

So I get a call this morning from the woman who would be my boss at the hedge-fund I was going to switch over to in a few weeks, and she drops a bomb on me: yesterday she gave her two weeks notice. Yup, she quit two weeks before I was supposed to start there. Talk about good ways to start the day...

Sooooo, I'm in a bit of a pickle right now. I can still accept my offer to go work there, though I wouldn't be working with her, who I'd interviewed with and developed a rapport with. But the problem with that is that I don't know who I'd be working with, I don't know if they'd even have a new General Counsel by the time I got there, I don't know how my relationship with everyone else in the office would change now that she's not there, etc.

To top it all off, after dropping this bomb on me she proceeded totell me that she's not sure that I would've liked working there anyway, that the environment is really stressful, that there's a lot of politics and that it would probably be rough on me if she wasn't there. The question is: how much of that was motivated by the fact that she quit after an argument with one of the principals and is thus mad with the fund in general, and how much is actually true?

Talking about it with two attorneys here who have become quasi-mentors to me, they think that I should definitely not jump into that kind of environment, and I've got to say that my gut feeling agrees with them. It's gonna suck to not get the pay-increase I thought I'd be getting, but whatever, I'll live. I'm having lunch with those two attorneys to brainstorm, and then this afternoon I guess I'll have to go to my firm's paralegal coordinator and tell her that something's come up, and see if it's ok for me to stay here until I find something else. Wish me luck with all this...

[several hours go by...]

So everything's cool, and my current boss is ok with me staying here as long as a I want. I've already filled out a profile on Glocap, a company that does recruiting for all kinds of financial and legal-sector jobs, and a friend already submitted by resumé to a friend of hers who works at a hedge fund that needs someone to do legal compliance for them. Well whaddya know!

So by now I'm feeling a lot more positive about everything, and trying to look on the bright side: at least this didn't happen a month or two from now, cuz then I'd be screwed! :-)!


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