Put it in your mouth
Whenever I see something really cute, be it a baby's chubby cheek or a fluffy fat kitty, all I want to do is pop it in my mouth. I have this great vision of popping a little fluffy something in my mouth, with only its tail sticking out. Seriously, how cute would that be? So cute! Fluff! In my mouth!
This is usually the point where most people walk away from me in disgust. Rest assured, I do not actually want to chew and swallow these cute things. I just have an all-consuming urge to put them in my mouth and hold them there. For safe-keeping? Maybe - it happens in nature.
While trying to validate my insanity by finding examples of other sickos like me, I googled the following things:
chubby cheeks, in my mouth
so cute, in my mouth
put the kitty in my mouth
tail sticking out of mouth
in my mouth, dooce (figured maybe a cite from a reputable internet mother wanting to put her baby's cheeks in her mouth would silence the critics)
in my mouth, smartypants (ditto)
with babies in mouth
I want to put it in my mouth (NEVER google this)
cute, put it in my mouth
I have proven a number of things through this exercise:
1) I am the only person in the world who wants to put cute things in my mouth
2) Crocodiles carry their babies around in their mouths, but only for safe-keeping, not because they are blinded by the cuteness
3) People are really, really fucking twisted
This is usually the point where most people walk away from me in disgust. Rest assured, I do not actually want to chew and swallow these cute things. I just have an all-consuming urge to put them in my mouth and hold them there. For safe-keeping? Maybe - it happens in nature.
While trying to validate my insanity by finding examples of other sickos like me, I googled the following things:
chubby cheeks, in my mouth
so cute, in my mouth
put the kitty in my mouth
tail sticking out of mouth
in my mouth, dooce (figured maybe a cite from a reputable internet mother wanting to put her baby's cheeks in her mouth would silence the critics)
in my mouth, smartypants (ditto)
with babies in mouth
I want to put it in my mouth (NEVER google this)
cute, put it in my mouth
I have proven a number of things through this exercise:
1) I am the only person in the world who wants to put cute things in my mouth
2) Crocodiles carry their babies around in their mouths, but only for safe-keeping, not because they are blinded by the cuteness
3) People are really, really fucking twisted
dude i have the EXACT same urge -- especially strong with kitties! and a close friend of mine does too. you are not alone!
it is weird tho. i mean wtf?
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