So now I finally understand what it's really like to be a paralegal...
In the past week I've worked three 17+ hour days, today is shaping up to be #4, and there are still three workdays left in the week! The worst part is that this pace will keep going until about Thanksgiving, at which point I think I'll be able to retire off of my overtime pay, and maybe buy a little island in the South Pacific for Liz and I... That would be nice.
Earth to Newman, Earth to Newman, do you read me? You're delirious again... Earth to Newman..."
"Yeah, yeah, I heard you the first time..."
"So act like it, already. Maybe you should have some more coffee?"
When I started here last October things were really slow for days, weeks and even months. I only got the occasional deal here and there, and nothing much was going on except for the usual menial tasks like photocopying, redacting, proofreading, etc. I even jokingly referred to myself as "the Deal Killer", since whenever I got assigned to a deal it went and died on me. "
Dammit, man, I'm trying to save a man's life!" (gratuitous
Baseketball quote) Ah, Trey Parker, Matt Stone, how I do love thee... Anyway, back to my bitching.
...well, actually, I think that was all the bitching I needed to get off of my chest. The work isn't hard, and most of the time it involves a lot of waiting around. At least they're paying me to be bored stiff circa 3am. Last night at about this time I went and photocopied my face, adding a text bubble and some words to the insomniac collage I was crafting. I have yet to decipher how to convert a PDF to a JPG on my work PC, or else that scan of my face would be all over this blog. Suffice to say that it is now on the invitation to our firm-sponsored paralegal happy hour next week. Kickass.
Alright campers, I'm pushing the 16.5-hour mark, and that means if I order a car now it'll get here in 15 minutes, which means I'll be getting home to a PTFO'd Liz just around 3am, exactly 17 hours after I got to work this morning. You know what that means?